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New Year’s Resolutions for 2024, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Where better to look than the stars for inspiration?

2024 is an exciting astrological time, not just personally but even within the history of mankind!

There are eclipses in Libra and Aries (plus a preview of next year’s eclipse cycle in Virgo-Pisces). Eclipses, a perfect alignment of sun, moon, and earth, mark monumental moments, and the upcoming ones in Aries and Libra correspond with the dualities of themes like love and war, independence and commitment, or punks and preps, to name a few.


It’s said that the effects of eclipses unravel over six months, so it’s not the kind of thing you’d notice in the course of one day. The full moon eclipse in Libra on March 25 brings relationships to an emotional climax and resolution. The new moon eclipse—a total solar eclipse—lands in Aries on April 8, initiating a radical fresh start. There’s a partial full moon eclipse in Pisces on September 17, relieving us from perfectionism, and a new moon eclipse in Libra on October 2, shifting how we relate and communicate with one another. 

Saturn in Pisces is prevalent in the chart of each of these eclipses: This outer planet will play a key role in 2024! Saturn in Pisces touches on themes of loneliness, isolation, religiousness, moral purity, and charlatanism.

Mercury retrograde signifies delays and reconsiderations, and it retrieves threads that may have been lost, so that we can reassess and evaluate them. Mercury stations retrograde and direct in earth and fire signs and spend most of their retrograde in fire signs, helping us fine-tune our intuitions and find the best way to express what’s in our spirits. 

Mercury retrograde ends in fire sign Sagittarius on January 1. It begins its retrograde again in Aries, also a fire sign, on April 1, and ends back in Aries on April 25. Then, Mercury retrograde starts in earth sign Virgo on August 5, and ends in fire sign Leo on August 28. The final Mercury retrograde of 2024 starts in Sagittarius on November 25 and ends in Sagittarius on December 15.


Venus does not retrograde this year—but Mars does! Mars retrogrades in Leo on December 6, and ends its retrograde in Cancer in February 2025. Mars retrograde in Leo brings reflection on how masculinity is expressed and seen. This may reveal a period of irregularities in military leadership or laws concerning sexuality. The last Mars retrograde in Leo was from December 2009 to March 2010, and before that, 1995.

Outer planets Jupiter and Uranus meet in Taurus on April 20, an aspect that only occurs every 13 years! Uranus is the planet of the future, and Jupiter philosophy. These two planets combined in Taurus can welcome a future-forward or techy outlook concerning money, food, and art. Jupiter in Taurus meets Neptune, the planet of spirituality and beliefs, on May 23, connecting us to transcendentalism or spiritual growth. 

Jupiter, the planet of philosophy and higher knowledge, enters air sign Gemini on May 26, bringing luck and optimism to a new area of the sky. Jupiter in Gemini will connect with Pluto, the planet of secrets, on June 2 and clash with Saturn, the planet of laws, on August 19, shifting how we communicate, socialize, and govern.

Pluto, the planet of taboos and secrets, is in Aquarius from January 21 until September 2, which can intensify conversations about the shadow of social media, political rebellion, and artificial intelligence. Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn one last time on September 2, where it transformed our relationship with capital and government since 2008. Pluto says goodbye to Capricorn on November 19, and stays in Aquarius until 2044.


Wondering how to translate this astrological information into inspiration for 2024 resolutions? Check out your sun and/or rising sign for insights on your potential commitments and your moon sign for emotional growth and support.

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Aries: March 19, 2024 - April 19, 2024

2024’s eclipses activate your chart’s axis of partnerships, encouraging you to grow in your individuality and let go of old patterns or beliefs about relationships. These Mercury retrogrades (with one in your sign from April 1 to 25) can help you re-evaluate how you identify or label yourself. Pluto makes one final pass in your chart’s house of career and public reputation, magnifying your influence and authority.

Your planetary ruler, Mars, will retrograde in your chart’s house of sexual and creative self-expression from December 6 to February 24, 2025. You might resolve to spend more time with your family and loved ones, perhaps committing to a regular get-together or instituting a new tradition. It may also be fruitful to take on a daily journaling practice or creative endeavor—if only for a couple of minutes each day!—to explore new outlets of expression. Who knows, you might discover a hidden talent!

Taurus: April 19, 2024 - May 20, 2024

2024’s eclipses activate your chart’s axis of service, evolving your relationship with your work and health. Being an advocate for your own mental health and ensuring that you’re getting enough alone time are big themes of this eclipse cycle. Your spirituality and curiosity about life’s mysteries are emphasized, and you can rid yourself of unhealthy habits or things that waste your time and energy.

These Mercury retrogrades will help you re-evaluate how you express your feelings and how you relate to the hidden world, as well as strengthen your connection to your intuition and teach you the importance of privacy. With all of this potential change, it’s a good idea to find a grounding practice that can help you process periods of transition. Perhaps try a meditation practice or anything that feels therapeutic, whether that means talk therapy, art therapy, dance, or taking walks.


Gemini: May 20, 2024 - June 20, 2024

The eclipses of 2024 activate your chart’s social axis, bringing you new friend groups and connections and motivating you to accomplish your goals and build your network. This eclipse cycle can even find you reconnecting with childhood talents or methods of creative self-expression that have been lying dormant as the moon’s south node transits your chart’s house of children and creativity.

These Mercury retrogrades will help you re-evaluate your friendships and relationships and how you like to interact with your friends. Past relationships can come up for reconciliation or closure. Dreams deferred or missed social or romantic connections that were put on the back burner get a second life! Jupiter, the planet of luck, enters your sign, which will bring in a year of prosperity, growth, and success.

With your chart’s social sector activated, you might resolve to go out regularly or accept more invitations and work on developing and deepening your friendships. Challenge yourself to get out of your head when it comes to connecting with others, and don’t be afraid to text first. If you’re thinking of someone, reach out and let them know!

Cancer: June 20, 2024 - July 22, 2024

The upcoming eclipses activate your chart’s axis of family and legacy. You’re reaching for new heights and ready to put yourself out in the public eye while your family and home life is also changing. This year your career and public life changes; who you are and how the rest of the world sees you is evolving. You might step into a position of authority, and you could also experience shifts in your home and personal life. 

These Mercury retrogrades will help you re-evaluate your finances and lifestyle and how you go about achieving your goals and making your mark. You might need to shuffle some things around in your accounts and schedule to match your new priorities. Pluto makes one final pass through your chart’s house of partnerships, where it’s been intensifying and transforming your interpersonal dynamics, marriages, and partnerships over the past 16 years. This year, you might resolve to set some goals related to your careers or vocation. Perhaps it’ll help to map out a one- or three-year plan with smaller, achievable steps you can achieve throughout 2024. It would also be wise to do some auditing and see how your financial goals can align with your bigger-picture dreams and vision for the future. It might be time to set a budget or resolve a debt.


Leo: July 22, 2024 - August 22, 2024

The eclipses of 2024 activate your chart’s axis of communication, learning, and teaching. You’re eager to travel and learn and willing to let go of things that you thought you knew. You might feel nostalgic for letter writing or flip phones, or perhaps you’re digging through your personal archives of letters, emails, and journals. You’ll go to new distances, new heights, and places you’ve never seen before! 

These Mercury retrogrades urge you to re-evaluate how you express yourself and your beliefs. Mercury retrogrades in your sign in August, which can be a time of minor reinventions or getting to know yourself a little better. Pluto is introduced to an active sector of your chart, where it will transform your relationships and interpersonal dynamics for a very long time. A new era begins in your relationships! It’s an opportune time to set some goals related to creativity and self-expression: take up a daily journaling practice, try a dance or improv class, learn a new language, or spend a fun night painting with your friends!

Virgo: August 22, 2024 - September 22, 2024

The eclipses of 2024 activate your chart’s financial axis, and you’re developing shared resources through grants, scholarships, or loan payments. You’re pitching in, and there’s a greater sense of unity and sharing! You might find yourself contributing more to a collaborative effort during this eclipse cycle, which puts a strong emphasis on your chart’s house of shared resources. 

The year’s Mercury retrogrades will help you re-evaluate your relationship to things that go unseen: spirituality, intimacy, your family and home life. You’re getting in touch with your feelings and personal taboos, and your understanding of the circle of life is evolving. Jupiter, the planet of success, enters an active sector of your chart, signifying a year of growth and positive changes in your career and public reputation. Who you are—to the world and to your family—is transcending to the next level!


With such exciting developments, you might want to make resolutions to practices that help you stay grounded through change. You might commit to therapy, budgeting practices, and investments that contribute to your sense of security and well-being or set some goals regarding service and community. Challenge yourself to connect with and support your loved ones in a way that feels long-term and caring, and invest in yourself by applying to things like grants, awards, scholarships, or retreats that interest you.

Libra: September 22, 2024 - October 22, 2024

This year’s eclipses activate your chart’s axis of self and others—it’s a critical time for your relationships and how you feel about them. You’re letting go of old versions of yourself and welcoming new relationship dynamics. Your partners, romantic or otherwise, are showing you new ways of being yourself. You might not be the same person you used to be, and you need to give yourself more space to get comfortable. Your relationships are taking the next step, which could be monumental! 

These Mercury retrogrades will help you re-evaluate your relationships with your siblings, partners, or friend group and how you define these connections. Consider the ways that you practice and express friendship and social connection. Pluto makes one final pass through your chart’s house of home and family, the grand finale of a 16-year chapter that transformed your personal life. It’s an incredible time to be more social: send invitations for dinner, movie, game night, or whatever tickles your fancy, get to know other people, and make more phone calls! You might find an exciting community through social media and be moved to try something new, like apartment-swapping or house-sitting.


Scorpio: October 22, 2024 - November 21, 2024

This year's eclipse cycle activates your chart’s axis of service, developing your story of duty. You’re focused on addressing your responsibilities to others, which means your work, lifestyle, and chores all get beefed up. The other side to this eclipse story is how your work contributes to the general public and how you feel about the ethics and politics of your job. You may choose to surrender to your circumstances in order to perform more strongly, or perhaps you’re ready to take a new path.

2024’s Mercury retrogrades, both in fire signs, will help you re-evaluate your feelings about your career, work, and personal finances, developing and rewriting the story of your broader relationship to capitalism. Pluto is introduced to an active sector of your chart, where it will spend two decades transforming your home and family life. Your planetary ruler, Mars, will retrograde from December 6 to February 24, which will find you engaging with your career and public life in an atypical way. With so much change and big-picture consideration, it would be wise to establish routines in your schedule that keep you on top of your budget, sleep health, meal plans, and physical activity.

Sagittarius: November 21, 2024 - December 21, 2024

The upcoming eclipses activate your chart’s axis of friendship, which can find you eager to explore your social connections and your relationship with children. If you’re a creative person, this is also a time to explore your self-expression. You might be ready to simplify your social life in favor of more intimate, private hang-outs rather than making a splash in a big group. 

The south node of the moon in your chart’s house of community and social networks might find you taking a break or a step back from social media for something that makes you happier. Mercury retrogrades (in fire signs!) will help you re-evaluate your beliefs, travel plans, and pursuit of happiness, and the one in your sign can find you rewriting your identity. Your planetary ruler, Jupiter, enters an active sector of your chart, bringing growth and luck to your relationships! You might resolve to find ways to reconnect with your inner child, like revisiting a favorite video or board game, watching a nostalgic movie, or trying your hand at crafts. You might also rediscover a hobby or talent from your adolescence, so make more time for play in 2024!


Capricorn: December 21, 2023 - January 20, 2024

The eclipses of 2024 activate your chart’s axis of family and legacy, initiating a new chapter in your life story. You’re pushing for unity in your home and family life while letting go of parts of your public-facing life. It’s a year of new beginnings, and you’ll look back on 2024 as one that changed the direction of your life–one that’s unfolding slowly and deliberately. You’re still in charge if you want, Capricorn! 

These Mercury retrogrades will help you re-evaluate how you connect to things that go unnoticed, like your psychology, your private life, and your intimate connections. You can reclaim or repurpose past versions of yourself. Power planet Pluto makes one final pass through your sign, where it’s transformed you over the past 16 years. Your relationship with your own power and authority is magnified, and you may feel like it’s time to loosen your grip. As you embark on a new journey and era, establish practices that keep you feeling in touch with yourself: your inner voice and intuition. This could mean regular talk therapy, meditation, spiritual practices, or grounding routines around your home.

Aquarius: January 20, 2024 - February 18, 2024

The upcoming eclipses activate your chart’s axis of communication: The year is spent reading, researching, and strengthening your skill sets. You’re hungry for knowledge and eager to learn! Practical skills and knowledge that you use in everyday life or trade are getting an upgrade. You might be ready to try a different approach to travel, craving destinations that feel familiar rather than touristy. You might also be letting go of former theoretical beliefs and worldviews in favor of something more practical and lived. 

These Mercury retrogrades will help you re-evaluate your relationships to your siblings, neighbors, partners, or friend groups. You’re gaining a deeper perspective on practicing friendship and community, and you might reconnect or find closure with folks from the past. Pluto is introduced to your sign, starting a long journey of personal transformation that will last 20 years! To help your big, beautiful brain process such transformation, you might take up a daily journaling practice or spend your time scrapbooking, sketching, or other means of expressing yourself on the page. You could also be expanding your mind this year, resolving to read more, learn a new language, or get into a new tech.

Pisces:  February 18, 2024 - March 19, 2024

The eclipses of 2024 activate your chart’s financial axis, developing your relationship with what you have to share and support yourself. You might be more driven by material motivations this year, and able to say goodbye to any debts. Being generous and selfless in relationships can be rewarding, but in 2024, you’re equipped to let go of dynamics that feel imbalanced, demanding, or unhealthy. With Saturn and Neptune together in your sign, it’s too exhausting to pretend to be someone you’re not, so if a real injustice is felt, you’re willing to cut the cord! 

These Mercury retrogrades will help you re-evaluate how you define your work, money, and career, encouraging you to engage with efforts or vocations that you’re passionate about. Jupiter enters an active sector of your chart, bringing luck and expansion into your home and family life! You’re focused on your development in work and career this year, so take time to truly evaluate your schedule and daily routines. Challenge yourself to set long-term (like three- or five-year) goals, and break some of the more intimidating processes up into little, achievable steps you can work toward. It would also be wise to do a full audit of your finances, prioritize which debts you want to pay off and which budgets you want to set, and make a timeline of your financial goals.