This story is over 5 years old.


Someone Replaced All the 'Dark Souls 3' Textures with Shrek

Like onions and ogres, 'Dark Souls 3' has layers, one of which is the ability to cover the game in Shrek's face.
GIFs and screencaps via

A YouTuber called Limit Breakers has created a Dark Souls 3 texture mod that is the Dark Souls of Dark Souls texture mods: He's replaced all the surfaces and textures in the game with pictures of everyone's favorite ogre, Shrek. In a game notorious for being difficult but fair, the decision to cover not only the player's entire body, but the texture of every friend, enemy, and the whole damn landscape with Shrek, is a bold one. The only possible follow-up might be to replace every surface in the game with Nicolas Cage's face—which he's also done. But like onions and ogres, this game has layers, and one of those layers is that it's wildly amusing to watch someone storm Farron Keep while shouting, "What are you doing in my swamp?!" and mowing down jailers in Irithyll Dungeon to a soundtrack of remixed Nic Cage quotes. In the video's description, Limit Breakers writes, "Some people say games are art, I like to think we have proved otherwise…"


Here's Limit Breakers' tutorial for how to override the textures in Dark Souls 3 with whatever meme you want. You can see his full demo video, which includes four other memetic textures, below, but first check out a couple of our favorite moments below.

See more Limit Breakers videos on YouTube.


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