This story is over 5 years old.

The Immersionism Issue

Conspiracy Theories In The Woods

A couple of years ago two guys I know from back in the day took their hi tech gadgets, moved into a tepee in the woods and started a website about the Conspiracy. I took my wife and went to live with them for 24 hours, and this is what they told me.

A couple of years ago two guys I know from back in the day took their hi tech gadgets, moved into a tepee in the woods and started a website about the Conspiracy. I took my wife and went to live with them for 24 hours, and this is what they told me.

Photos by: Anibal Jiminez

Arthur: The main reason I moved here was I needed more time for research and science. The fact that I ran out of my unemployment benefit fund felt like a sign too.


Michael: Arthur stayed here for about two nights, with a man who was already living out here, then he just started building, he left his apartment, just left it the way it was, and moved here.

Michael: The two of us, we go way back, but there’s always been something that kept us together, like computers and stuff, and not caring about the worldly things. Then we started getting more philosophical, and burying ourselves in this, and that’s when we came across the Conspiracy.

Arthur: I had tried getting sick-listed, for the benefits. I went to the unemployment office and told them “I know too much.” To put me on a regular job would be like putting me to down forever.

Arthur: I got sent to a proper shrink, but we didn’t get along at all. He said I had to submit to cannabis rehab if I was going to get any money at all. And I just said, “No, I feel like smoking.” You won’t break me down that easy, ha ha. Finally it was almost necessary to move, I can live a lot cheaper like this.

Arthur: It took about ten months. Even though I was technically a job seeker, I didn’t really have to apply for any jobs, since I got to go around and talk to shrinks and unemployment people about the Conspiracy. So I was really just doing exactly what I wanted to do, and I got paid too.

Michael: I have my own consultancy business and I work as a computer programmer. I’ve always been paid large amounts of money, and never had to work more than maybe ten to forty hours a month. I’ve kept my apartment and go here for five months over the summer.

Michael: We don’t just settle for these things as the truth either. We research things, we’ve been doing that for about two years now. We started with the website about 1,5 years ago, to be able to spread this information on to others. It’s like a centre for information out here in the woods.

Michael; And it’s every where, it’s obvious if you start looking for it. There was this one American president who had engraved on his tombstone, “I killed the bank.” He got rid of, I think, the first Bank of the United States. Of course now it wouldn’t mean shit whether it was state owned or not.