This story is over 5 years old.


Listen to Some Yumi And The Weather Remixes

EarlyBird and Kiwi have remixed two of her songs.

We're always being told how we're products of our own environments and Yumi And The Weather embodies the seaside nature of her hometown on her debut EP, “All I Can”. It all sounds like Brighton beach if it could pick up a plectrum spewing out a broth of layered melodies, airy guitar strums and electronic drum patterings. So rather than freezing your tits off by some dilapidated pier, you can revel in tracks like “Not Again” and “Must I Wait” while you dip your Rich Tea biscuits.


We've got two of the three remixes that appear on the project via XVI Records on October 21. Rising beatsmiths, Kiwi and Earlybird, flood the EP with their own electronica-bathed DNA. All without losing that feeling of some misty, mid-November stint on the sand.