This story is over 5 years old.


Subscribe to our Newsletter And Help Make America Great Again

Please sign up for our exciting newsletter.

So, we've started a newsletter. I know you're probably thinking that you don't need another thing to clutter up your email. And normally, we'd agree with you. Nobody likes to wake up and a have a bunch of bullshit waiting for them in their inbox. You already have Nigerian princes asking you for money, and your mom messaging you wondering why you haven't called. I mean, obviously your mom loves you, and you love her, but why doesn't she understand that you have shit to do? Like, seriously mom, I just need some space right now.


Anyway, this newsletter wouldn't be a bunch of nonsense. Our newsletter is just links to all of our great stories from the previous day, and also a link to a morning roundup that helps you catch up with what's going on the sports scene all around the world. You will learn things. You can impress your mom when you finally do her call her back.

How could this possibly be a bad thing? So seriously, sign up. It's free.