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Listen to Rebecca Black's Catchy New Single

It’s now been five years since “Friday,” three since the less-bad, more-cute “Saturday.”

Image from Instagram

I’m one of those people who is kept awake at night by the harrowing thought of what happens to the people who fall victim to internet virality.

Those “Where Are They Now” pieces about people who unwittingly became memes, or the news that the Charlie Bit Me kids now appear at events and parties for cash… It deeply upsets me.

Up there with the worst of the worst of viral online ridicule is Rebecca Black, the artist behind one of the more unfortunate flops to ever exist, “Friday.” Want to know something cool, though? She’s fine. She’s good even.

It’s now been five years since “Friday,” three since the less-bad, more-cute “Saturday”—Black’s endearing effort at a self-aware follow ups—and we now have “The Great Divide.”

The song was released twice, as a low-tempo ballad, and again as a club-ish ready remix (a la “I Took A Pill in Ibiza).

Listen to the remix of the track below.