This story is over 5 years old.


Vice Fashion - Hiv Test

Photos by Christoph VoyStyling by Jeannette HeppWe met a group of young Germans who were preparing to get HIV tests in a


STYLISM Jeannette Hepp

MODELS Sebastian, Josefine, Sven and Ivi.



We met a group of young Germans who were preparing to get HIV tests in a private clinic in Berlin. We followed them, from the moment they got in the clinic until they got the final results, two hours later.

13:00 We arrive at the Praxisgemeinschaft. It’s run by Dr Heiko Jessen and Dr Arne B. Jessen on Motzstr. 19 in Berlin. We’re next to Nöllendorfplatz, epicentre of West Berlin’s gay scene.


13:10 Sebastian is the first getting tested.

Sebastian, 23, from Quedlinburg, straight “I got tested some time ago, maybe one year or so. But I’ve been fucking around quite a lot since then and I’m starting to get really paranoid, specially since the heteros are, right now, the second biggest risk group in Germany, more than drug addicts.”

13:20 Sven gets tested

Sven, 21, from Lindenberg, gay

“I’ve been in a relationship with a Cuban guy for two-and-a-half years. Now, we’re not together anymore and I want to get tested, since I never had one before and there is a lot of AIDS in Cuba. I don’t fuck around with guys, I’m more conservative and totally against this whole drug-cocktail bare-backing orgy scene which is killing the gay community with new HIV infections every month.”

Sven is wearing jeans by Addict, shirt by Carhartt and pullover by Ezekiel

13:30 Josefine gets tested

Josefine, 22, from Leipzig, straight

“I’ve been having some unprotected and casual sex for the last year. Actually, a lot. I want to make sure that I’m healthy and that I’m not spreading any diseases or infecting people. I’m scared, I guess it’s normal but somehow I know that nothing bad is going to happen to me.”

13:35 Ivi waits her turn in a library that Dr. Jessen has prepared for us. There are free drinks and food, fashion mags for men and medical publications related to HIV and AIDS

13:45 While everybody waits, some have to fill in a paper regarding their health, lifestyle and sexual history.


Sebastian is wearing jeans and shirt by Carhartt and jacket by Die Dritten

Ivi, 23, from Berlin, gay

“I have sex in the toilets of clubs very often, just with girls, though this is no exception to get AIDS. I sometimes blackout and wake up next morning and I don’t remember what I’ve been doing the night before. I’m really scared of the results. I can’t think of how much my life would change if I’m positive”

14:00 Everybody is been tested and now it’s time to wait. There’s not much space for jokes. Two hours to go.

14:10 Josefine has to go back to the lab, there is something wrong with her sample and she needs to get tested again.

14:15 Josefine gets tested by a muscular nurse with tribal tattoos on his right arm. All goes well this time

Josefine is wearing jeans by Lee, shirt by Gsus and pullover by Lee

14:30 People start getting nervous waiting in the library and decide to explore the clinic. They find a waiting room where there’s free coffee, soul music pumping out of the stereo and more men’s fashion mags.

15:45 Dr. Jessen calls everybody back to the library. Results are ready. People are literally sweating.

16:20 Ivi is the last one to get her test. The results, as agreed from the beginning, will be totally private.