This story is over 5 years old.


All the Wind Currently Blowing Around Earth

Global gusts in near-real time.
GIF via Dan Stuckey

It's a lot like the aptly-named Wind Map, only it's not for just the US. It's for the entire world.

Indeed, the folks behind this incredible global wind current visualization took inspiration from the Wind Map, which visualizes wind speeds and flows across the intercontinental US, and would go on to create the Tokyo Wind Map before pulling together the globe-spanning real-time wind current visualization, gif'd above to show North America. The project pulls data from numerical models by the National Centers for Environmental Protection, the US National Weather Service, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association.

OK, so it's maybe not real-time real-time. What you see is updated every three hours. But it's about as close as you can get to the dynamic rhythms of of worldwide wind flows as they are at any given moment. It's beautiful, really. Go and move it around. That jet-stream eye out in the middle of the Indian Ocean? Just look at that thing. It makes you feel completely and utterly powerless to the forces of nature.
