Tristan Casey's Photos Make BC Look Like the Earth's Most Wonderful Place


This story is over 5 years old.


Tristan Casey's Photos Make BC Look Like the Earth's Most Wonderful Place

Killer landscapes, boobs, and butts within.

I've been to Vancouver. I felt nothing: I stared at the mountains and shrugged. I looked at the water and back into my iPhone. If I saw the Vancouver that Tristan Casey knows, I probably would have had a much better time. Working primarily in coastal British Columbia, Tristan is in the business of documenting secrets on film. Constantly exploring 'ungooglable' areas lends his work a natural air of casual discovery- traveling within a few hours of his backyard instead of jumping on a plane to overexplored terrain. While keeping his work natural, it's also very carefully framed: leaving unnecessary time-defining products behind in an attempt to capture an image with longevity. Tristan's work exemplifies the natural desire to escape, to see something in real life as opposed to on Tumblr.


Tristan Casey

Tristan Casey

Tristan Casey

Tristan Casey

Tristan Casey

Tristan Casey

Tristan Casey

Tristan Casey

Tristan Casey

Tristan Casey

Tristan Casey

Tristan Casey

Tristan Casey

Tristan Casey