Adam Estes

  • Apple Would Prefer You Didn't Track Drones on Your iPhone

    Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but you're going to have to cancel your mobile drone tracking plans for Labor Day weekend. It was a really fun plan, I know. Pull out the lawn chairs, find a sunny spot in the grass — beer in one hand, iPhone in the...

  • The World of Prosthetic Art Is Marvelous

    Prostheses are a lot of things — practical, functional, useful — but pretty they are not. Your standard prosthetic leg is typically nothing more than flesh-colored hunk of plastic designed, if anything, to be ignored or overlooked. But a handful of...

  • The 60-Year Rise of IBM's Immortal Mainframe

    The very term "mainframe computers" brings to mind data scientists in lab coats shuffling punch cards and smoking cigarettes, but don't let that get to you. Despite decades of technology evangelists calling for the death of the ancient mainframe...

  • Substitutional Reality Is the Acid Trip You Never Had

    If a man in a white coat put a camera-equipped helmet on your head and told you to trust everything you saw as reality, wouldn't you feel a little funny? And then wouldn't you be a little tripped out when they took it off and try to distinguish what...

  • 3D Printing Is Even Cooler When It's Molecular

    We thought we'd seen everything come out the other end of a 3D printer — guns, <a href="

  • This Kickstarter-Funded Moon Elevator Is Real

    The idea of a single, high speed elevator that could blast astronauts from Earth to the surface of the moon with the flip of a switch is the stuff of cheesy Fifties science fiction novels. At least it was until former NASA researcher Michael Laine and...

  • Kodak Is Getting Out Of the Film Business

    Buried in bankruptcy debt and struggling to stay afloat, Kodak just put a "for sale" sign on its the film business. That's right. The makers of Kodachrome, the company that invented roll film and the maker of many moments is going to stop selling film...

  • Sorry Humans, Robot Olympians Are Way More Adorable

    Looking ahead to the 2016 Olympics in Rio, it's fun to fantasize about all the different ways to make the games better. The committee could introduce new sports* like skateboarding or quidditch. Or they could bring back some lost Olympic sports like...

  • Google Street View Goes To the Weirdest Places

    When your grandparents were young and curious and eager to see the world, they had to join the Navy. Today, you can just go to Google. Now five years old, Google Street View is an endless source of fun and adventure. Sure, there are the serendipitous...

  • The Wiki Weapon Project Promises A 3D-Printed Handgun For Everyone

    The 3D-printing gun enthusiasts are at it again coming up with master plans to democratize weapons manufacturing, and this time, they're doing it in the name of the First Amendment. That's right. The Second Amendment is important too, but if you listen...

  • Tesla Will Get His Own Museum Because the Internet Says So

    There are a lot of people out there that really like Nikola Tesla. And what's not to like? The handsome mustachioed scientist invented the modern alternating current system that powers our offices and homes, poured the foundation for wireless...

  • Even Monkeys Understand Economic Justice

    Nobody likes getting screwed over. Take Wall Street for an obvious example. Lecherous bankers dream up some too good to be true financial products, trade them on the open market even though they know they're defective, fill their coffers and shrug when...