Chris Hatherill

  • The Surprisingly Long, Wonderful Life of the Mars Spirit Rover (2004 - 2011)

    After 2695 of our earth days on the surface of Mars, NASA's Spirit rover has been given the metaphorical golden watch, farewell speech and "way to go buddy" pats on the back that mark "the end":

  • Lonely Worlds

    While "exoplanets": have been all the rage of late, most of the distant worlds discovered so far have been located in solar systems like ours, where the planets...

  • Heaviest Antimatter EVER

    Researchers at the "Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider": – a particle accelerator at Brookhaven National Laboratory in Upton, New York used to recreate and study conditions of the early universe – have for the first time detected...

  • Lie Back and Think of England

    Though America is already bored with gonzo digicam antics à la Tom Green and Jackass, Britain has yet to witness a full-scale assault on reality.