Rick Altergott

  • What Kind of Pervtown Is This Place?

    The investigating detective discovers just how strange Flowertown is when Miss Juniper's bicycle seat is repeatedly stolen. What kind of pervtown is this place? And will Miss Juniper ever get back the underwear that someone died attempting to steal?

  • Miss Juniper Gets Her Underwear Back from a Kindly and Horny Detective

    Flowertown, USA, is the ideal American town—except when a panty bandit is on the loose. In this episode, Miss Juniper gets her underwear back from a kindly and horny policeman only to have her bike seat stolen by some other perv.

  • The Case of the Dead Panty Thief

    Flowertown, USA, is a utopia that we'd all like to visit someday. It's like Lake Wobegon except all the women are zaftig, all the men are oddballs, and all the children are nonexistent. In this episode Detective Phil O'Dendron can tell that something...

  • Laundromat Theif

    Flowertown, USA, is a suburban utopia filled with the biggest pervs the human mind can conceive. When we left off last week a panty thief had called a bomb scare into a Laundromat and then got shot by the police while trying to surrender. What's going...

  • The Police Close In on the Fleeing Panty Thief

    Flowertown, USA is a lost vision of utopia that we all wish we could go to when things are tough. And fortunately, once a week we can! Read this comic and get lost in Flowertown as a panty thief is gunned down in the street by some cops for mysterious...

  • A Police Officer Confronts a Panty Thief at Flowertown's Laundromat

    Flowertown is an idyllic American town populated by zaftig, nubile ladies, and odd-looking creepy dudes. Let's go there together as a police officer confronts a panty thief who has just called a bomb scare into a laundromat.