2012 election

  • The Presidential Debate Moderators Are Pathetic Cowards

    The people in charge of picking the questions didn't ask about drug legalization, abortion, same sex marriage, or domestic surveillance. It's enough to make you want to light up a joint with your same-sex partner and ignore the debates completely.

  • Foreign Correspondents - Laurence Haim of i>Télé at the Presidential Debate

    French political correspondent Laurence Haim offers an outsider's view of the 2012 presidential debates. In the premiere episode of 'Foreign Correspondents,' we examine the future of journalism in the "Tweetocracy," corporate sponsorship of the...

  • The Entire VP Debate in Seven GIFs

    Last night, if you were watching the Vice Presidential debate, which despite its contenders sitting in chairs, was infinitely more captivating than the standing debate between the two Presidential candidates last week in Colorado. If you weren't live...

  • Voting for President Is Meaningless but Fun

    If you live in Ohio or Florida or Virginia, maybe your vote will count. The rest of us can do all the thought experiments we want and study the issues assiduously until we’re hallucinating from lack of sleep and our vote isn’t going to be any more...

  • Barack Obama's Debate-Night Notes to the Denver Best Western Hotel Staff

    On October 3, Barack Obama gave a performance at the first 2012 Presidential Debate that many perceived as inferior, uninspired, and lacking in energy. The next day, a scattering of stationery notes was found in Mr. Obama’s hotel room by cleaning staff.

  • The Debate, Decoded

    What’s more important than what they said is what the candidates meant and who they were talking to. I've translated a few key quotes below for those of you who don't speak fluent Candidate.

  • Romney’s Dying, but the GOP’s OK

    Republicans are freaking out about a Romney loss, but announcing that one of our political parties is dying is an American pastime, just like announcing that the Dear Leader is still alive used to be a hobby in Communist countries.

  • Go Ahead, Throw Your Vote Away

    I talked to Gary Johnson, the Libertarian Party's anti-war, pro-gay marriage, pro-choice, anti-tax, anti-Fed, pro-pot, pro-gun, anti-government candidate and the guy I'll probably vote for.

  • Would You Care if Obama Were Muslim?

    Calling Obama a Muslim is back in style, because why criticize the president over the economy or civil liberties when you can spread rumors that he likes a different imaginary guy than you do?