Iron Maiden

  • Guitar Store Guy Plays 100 Famous Guitar Riffs and Leaves Out Iron Maiden

    Alex Chadwick made a video of the 100 most famous guitar riffs and played them chronologically, in one take but forgot Iron Maiden.

  • Doomsday Metal

    NIFELHEIMNifelheim are planning a mini tour through Finland on January 19 to 21, and a live performance in London on February 4. There is also a split with Brazilian Vulcano, which will be "fucking grim," and a full-length album is planned...

  • Mosh Or Die

    When he's not bawling about regret in $40,000 a month therapy sessions like in Some Kind Of Monster, Lars Ulrich likes nothing better than to bore people about how Iron Maiden and the New Wave of British Metal inspired the start of the thrash/speed...
