anti-food porn

  • The Newest Hobby for Sexist Bros Is Shooting Food at Models' Butts

    Pizza, gummy bears, hot dogs, doughnuts: Shad has shot all of them out of his air-powered cannon at the perky butts of various young women. And he is very, very proud of that fact.

  • There's Great Beauty in Other People's Burnt Pizzas

    The internet wasn't just made for pretty pictures of food. Some people eat burnt pizzas and microwaved beans from a mug, and the success of the dimlylitmealsforone Tumblr proves that these people deserve a platform to share their meals, even if it is...

  • A Paean to Shitty Food Blogs

    Everything we eat cannot—unless you’re Donald Trump—come out of a professional kitchen. If you're sick of the amount of food porn on the internet, there's a fantastic new wave of crappy food blogs to snap you back into reality, where we all belong.
