
  • A Proper Maasai Wedding Starts with a Cup of Fresh Cow's Blood

    On the morning of my friend's wedding in Nairobi, I watched as Maasai tribesmen wrestled a steer to the ground and slit its throat. It would become the centerpiece of the wedding feast, but not before we drank its blood.

  • Drugs, Lies, and Nipples at the World Hand-Milking Championships

    As the Tour de France of cow-milking, the competition (this year, 43 milkers strong) is allegedly rife with whispers of doping—using performance-enhancing drugs to provoke excessive milk production.

  • Cajuns Boil the Head and Save the Blood

    Lately, there’s been the “whole-hog” cooking trend. You know, using the tail to the snout. But the Cajun community has been cooking with the whole hog for 200 years. The pure Cajun spirit comes from living off the land in a proper format and being...