
  • Survive the Summer With These Low-Tech Tips

    I used to be a big fan of Red Green, the Canadian guy with that car-modification show where he'd always reach for a roll of duct-tape

  • In the 80s, Japanese Dudes Drove Power Rangers

    Japan is well-known for spawning multitudes of sub-cultures within any cultural sphere, be it music, fashion, and even cars. Japanese car culture, tortured movies like Tokyo Drift aside, is filled with so many derivatives, offshoots, and homages that...

  • Buy This Half-Ton Transformers Wine Rack On Craiglist

    Well, if this isn’t just the craziest damn living room furniture in history. An apparent crazy person in Phoenix built a wine rack slash giant freaking robot out of old automotive parts that literally takes up a living room. It weights half a ton. Now...

  • Motherboard TV: The Indestructible Body Armor of Troy Hurtubise

    Troy Hurtubise is an extreme human. There’s really no other way of putting it. After surviving a brief bout with a grizzly bear in the backwoods of British Columbia in August 1984, Hurtubise could’ve scampered back to civilization all whimpering...

  • The Indestructible Body Armor of Troy Hurtubise, Pt. 2

    h4. _Part II of III. Be sure to check out "Part I": Troy Hurtubise is an extreme human. There’s really no other way of putting it. After surviving a brief...

  • The Indestructible Body Armor of Troy Hurtubise, Pt. 1

    Troy Hurtubise is an extreme human. There's really no other way of putting it. After surviving a brief bout with a grizzly bear in the backwoods of British Columbia in August 1984, Hurtubise could've scampered back to civilization all whimpering...
