
  • The Confusing, Controversial World of Lyme Disease

    Lyme is tricky to diagnose and the symptoms can linger for months or years even after treatment, and doctors disagree with each other and activists on the basic facts of the disease. That makes it hard on those who have it.

  • Should We Panic About the Strain of Deadly Meningitis Hitting the Gay Community?

    This year, four men have come down with meningitis in New York City, bringing the number of infections to 22 and the death toll to seven since 2010, and similar cases have appeared in West Hollywood, California. How worried should we be?

  • A Few Reasons to Fear Congo's Ebola Outbreak

    The Democratic Republic of Congo is struggling to contain an outbreak of Ebola in two remote villages near the border of South Sudan. By the latest count, the epidemic "has killed 31 people":http://www.boston.com/news/world/europe/2012/09/14/health...
