Fergus Henderson

  • We Should Think About Eating Squirrel

    The US and the UK are overrun with gray squirrels. Should we see beyond their cuteness and start eating them more? We had a chat with chef Robert Owen Brown, who believes squirrel isn't just a great austerity meat, but is also completely delicious.

  • Karaoke and Quail Is a Recipe for the Police

    My teenage son was arrested at four AM the other night. I was going to stay at home and cook quail and lentils for everyone, but none of the kids were around so I wound up going out with my husband, Fergus, only to return to my house packed with...

  • Well-Aged Meat Will Not Kill You

    The idea behind the culinary process of aging meat might sound like a Russian roulette of botulism, but I'm keen on aging fish, chicken guts, and all sorts of red meat because it adds a type of complexity to your food that you never knew existed.

  • Christmas Has a Dark Side

    Christmas is the only holiday that excuses professional chefs from their restaurant kitchens to take time off, relax, and revel in cheerful celebrations with friends and family. But for chefs, Christmas can also have a dark side.

  • Christmas Has a Dark Side

    Christmas is the only holiday that excuses professional chefs from their restaurant kitchens to take time off, relax, and revel in cheerful celebrations with friends and family. But for chefs, Christmas can also have a dark side.

  • The Restaurant World Is (Still) Sexist

    Time magazine has pissed off the international restaurant world and alienated female chefs in their current issue, "Gods of Food." Chef Margot Henderson calls bullshit. Here's her response to <i>Time</i>, the reality of women...

  • The Restaurant World Is (Still) Sexist

    Time magazine has pissed off the international restaurant world and alienated female chefs in their current issue, "Gods of Food." Chef Margot Henderson calls bullshit. Here's her response to Time, the reality of women in the kitchen, and...
