
  • Hey Homophobes, Stop Calling Individuals "Organizations" to Make Yourselves Seem More Legit

    On Wednesday, a coalition of over 40 homophobic hate groups got together to run an ad in 'USA Today' urging the Boy Scouts of America to continue discriminating against gay people. Looking down the list of "undersigned organizations" in the ad, I'd...

  • Adios, Choice

    Remove the clinics, put insurmountable obstacles in the way, and Roe v. Wade will soon hold as much power as the now-hilariously-shortsighted Third Amendment. The fight for abortion is almost over, and pro-lifers are nearly the victors.

  • Animals Have No Concept of Money

    There comes a time in every person's life when they are driven by some invisible force to clumsily type their opinions onto a website that they do not own nor have any real reason to feel a sense of ownership over. This website is not immune to those...

  • An Etiquette Guide for Straight People in Gay Bars

    We love having straight people hang out with us, we really do, but I'm going to break down the rules for the breeders who forget how to behave when there is a rainbow flag on the wall.

  • Hey Straight People, You're Using Sex Drugs Wrong

    The continued acceptance of homosexual men and lesbians by mainstream America means that some of the wonderful things that were kept in the darker nooks and crannies of the gay world are now seeing the light of day.

  • Photographing the Loving Gays of Vietnam

    Photographer Maika Elan spent last year photographing Vietnam's gay couples in their most intimate moments for her series The Pink Choice. The collection had perfect timing considering around the same time she was shooting the collection, rumors were...

  • Forget Global Warming, Hurricane Sandy Was Caused by the Gays

    John McTernan's been following their never-ending quest to destroy the world for years now.

  • Watch This Hero

    When you first start listening to Preacher Phil Snider's speech on gay marriage, you'll probably want to duck out because he sounds like a hateful lunatic who thinks that gays and pedophiles are cut from the same cloth. But stick it out, it's worth it.

  • Helping the Malaysian Government Find Gays with Grindr

    The Malaysian government has a throbbing, vein-popping hard-on for gay guys. In fact, they're so concerned about the homosexual population's "rampant" activities that the education minister has just published a handy guide on how to "spot a gay."