
  • Sue Johanson

    Sue Johanson from 'Sunday Night Sex Show' is the godmother of sexual education. In part two of our interview with her, Kara Crabb reads some of her favorite quotes from Sue's books and the ladies chat about menopause, gonorrhea, and diaphragms.

  • Future Sex: The Rise of Drug Resistant Gonorrhea

    This week the _New Yorker_ has published an "in-depth account of the rise of an antibiotic resistant strain on gonorrhea":http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2012/10/01/121001fa_fact_groopman. How terrified should we be?

  • We're Screwed: Some Strains of Gonorrhea are Now Totally Drug Resistant

    If you're one of the 700,000 estimated who will catch the "'clap'":http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gonorrhea this year, your life just got even _more_ shitty. According to new research, a new superstrain of gonorrhea may be resistant to all drug...
