
  • Global Trend Report '08 - Stockholm

    Welcome to Sweden, home of the "normal girl." After all the boring kids in Stockholm went into emo overload, the quirky girls have gone straight in rebellion.

  • Global Trend Report '08 - Montreal

    Boys have short hair in Montreal now. Beardos have disappeared and facial hair is getting more carefully trimmed (unless guys are growing a play-off beard at the end of hockey season, which happens more often than you would think).

  • Global Trend Report '08 - Berlin

    Berliners are keeping things plain and scruffy, which isn't that surprising after an oppressive summer of new-rave neon and glitter. Boys especially are doing their best to make sure their clothes are dirty and torn. It's not enough to be vintage.

  • Global Trend Report '08 - Vienna

    Austrian guys have finally jumped on the tight-jeans bandwagon. Better late than never, we guess. Plain-colored button-down shirts and V-neck t-shirts are also very narrow cut.

  • Global Trend Report '08 - Antwerp

    Black leggings and ballet flats (with a new ankle-strap twist) continue their reign in Belgium, paired, of course, with some big sacklike thing on top, such as a bright blue designer raincoat (which is completely useless against the rain) or a cute...

  • Global Trend Report '08 - Barcelona

    Spanish girls like to dress up to the point where they look like cartoon characters or extras in an Almodovar movie. This is a good and fun thing. Sexy schoolteacher never gets old.
