I'm short not stupid

  • I'm Short, Not Stupid Presents: 'Flotsam/Jetsam'

    The Zellners' films are idiosyncratic, aggravating, and contain a subtle wit and intelligence that makes them rewatchable. 'Flotsam/Jetsam,' their short film from 2005, encapsulates the brothers’ vast knowledge of cinema and comedy, its rules, and how...

  • I'm Short, Not Stupid Presents: 'A Chjàna'

    Until I saw 'A Chjàna,' I had no idea race riots were occurring in Italy as recently as two years ago. I’m not going to pretend like there aren’t a million messed up things happening in the world at any given moment, but it’s a rare thing when a piece...

  • I'm Short, Not Stupid Presents: 'I Love Sarah Jane'

    'I Love Sarah Jane' opens with a beautiful tracking shot that follows timid young Jimbo, played by Brad Ashby, as he rides his bicycle through a zombie-infested world while brandishing a bow and arrow. But as apocalyptic and gruesome as it begins, the...

  • I'm Short Not Stupid Presents: 'The Ellington Kid'

    Two kids meet up in a South London kebab shop and start to spin some urban-legend yarn about what happened to the eponymous kid. The whole thing could have just been a story overheard at the shop it takes place in—but of course, it has a killer punch...

  • I'm Short, Not Stupid Presents: 'Dance Music Now'

    This film delves into the neuroses at play between friends when one demands something of the other they can't give. The filmmaker and cinematographer create a number of silent moments where expressive colors heighten the tension between friends as...

  • I'm Short, Not Stupid Presents: Bear

    Nash Edgerton's 'Bear' is not a classic story of two lovers, two lovers fighting, two lovers making up, and two lovers living happily ever after. It's darkly comic, expertly executed, and has a stunning transformation at the end.

  • I'm Short, Not Stupid Presents: Asparagus

    The no-faced protagonist flows effortlessly through her over-stuffed, ostentatious home filled with pussy shaped lights and red velvet curtains covering fields of big dick surrogating asparagus, leaving us to wonder, “Why isn’t this woman masturbating...
