Jersey Shore

  • I Went to a D-List Celebrity Botox Party

    Hanging out with a fame-hungry Kim Kardashian lookalike, a parody singer, the “Butt King of New York,” a tequila-selling Mafia wife, and the girl who got kicked off Jersey Shore for being too unstable.

  • A Bad Ass in Twilight

    Trumped-up anger and staged indignation can be found anytime by anyone with a remote control these days, but true self-awareness after years of self-delusion is rare on television, but that's exactly what Phil Baroni, washed-up MMA dude, displays on...

  • I Thought Nickelback Was the Worst Band on Earth But It’s Really Gaslight Anthem

    While I was cleaning the other day, a new Nickelback song came on and distracted me. A few notes intothis track on the TV and Nickelback wasbumming my ears out like they always do. I glanced up at the screen in disgust and my jaw dropped: It wasn't...
