Leslie's Diary Comics

  • Double Trouble

    In this comic, we go back to Leslie's childhood memories of Halloween costumes from years past. Don't be afraid-let's travel back together in this cute comic about little people.

  • There's Nothing Finer than a Winning Scratch-It

    Leslie Stein is an award-winning, Fantagraphics-published cartoonist who has recently been making very colorful and charming comics based on the casual everyday occurrences in her life. In her life there is cuteness and light, horror and dread.

  • How to Sneak Past a Candy-Selling Child

    Fantagraphics comic book star Leslie Stein will be doing regular comics for us based on things she experiences in her day-to-day life. This is the first.

  • Being Twelve Years Old

    A few months ago, Leslie Stein emailed us an illustrated excerpt from her diary. We loved it so much, we asked her to share more of her colorful diary entries with us.