maple syrup

  • Global Food Poisoning in Italy

    Bra is the sort of town where old women really do wear all black to signify their widowhood and where the stores are closed for three, sometimes four, hours every afternoon. I went there to study Piedmontese regional food culture but instead found a...

  • Martin Picard Should Be Called Captain Picard

    For the launch of his new book he had a massive hedonistic jam of fatty fun including several suckling pigs injected with maple syrup brine and a secret room housing a girl in a beaver skin bra.

  • Sidemouth - Martin Picard Should Be Called Captain Picard

    For the launch of his new book he had a massive hedonistic jam of fatty fun including several suckling pigs injected with maple syrup brine and a secret room housing a girl in a beaver skin bra.
