prison food

  • Mississipi Wants to Feed Its Prisoners Deer and MREs

    Future criminals, take note: Not every state treats its prisoners to maggot-infested meals served by corner-cutting contractors. In Mississippi, inmates may soon be dining on fresh venison instead of insect larvae.

  • Michigan's Prison Food System Is Falling Apart

    Food shortages, drug smuggling, sex with inmates: It might sound like another episode of Orange Is the New Black, but it's reality for many Michigan prisoners, who are at the mercy of private contractors that routinely violate safety standards.

  • Prison Food Is Pure Power in ‘Orange Is the New Black’

    The thing that makes me most anxious when I think about the possibility of going to prison is the food. The kitchen is the seat of power in Netflix’s Orange Is The New Black. And food is the currency of power that is used equally as both...

  • Gym Mats are a Kitchen Necessity for Prison Meals

    Somehow I had found myself on the bench of a jail cell learning how to spice up a frozen cheese and mayo sandwich from a woman who uses yoga moves to make a dull sandwich better than before, or grosser than ever.

  • Eating Alone in Prison Is Miserable

    Prison grub tends to be a bit of a mystery to those on the outside. The days of lining for a sloppy ladleful of gruel are mostly over, but if porridge is no longer staple scran for inmates, what do they eat and who do they eat it with?

  • The Strict Vegan Prisoner Playbook

    From 1998 until 2005 I was a fugitive on the run from the FBI for releasing thousands of minks from fur farms. When I was caught I served two years between seven different prisons and learned a thing or three about how to get meat-free food while...
