
  • Radio

    A dog decides to start his own NPR-style radio station in his apartment. It goes as well as you can imagine.

  • Being Twelve Years Old

    A few months ago, Leslie Stein emailed us an illustrated excerpt from her diary. We loved it so much, we asked her to share more of her colorful diary entries with us.

  • Kuppy-Cats!

    The room went silent as the scientist slowly opened the cage door and gently removed a two-week-old specimen of his own invention, plainly stating, “Behold the final frontier of cute: the kuppy-cat.”

  • Braised Puppy With Assorted Greens

    OK, let’s get this out of the way: It’s illegal to kill, cook, and serve dogs—even in Hong Kong, capital of “exotic” cuisines of the world. Recently California even passed a law that makes it illegal to prepare, sell, and serve foie gras, the national...
