syrian rebels

  • Syria: Wolves in the Valley

    VICE News embedded with the SRF as they reimposed their rule over the country's northwestern Idlib province. What we witnessed was a brief window into a complex and morally ambiguous conflict with no end in sight.

  • American Jihadist: Eric Harroun In His Own Words

    American Eric Harroun traveled to Syria to fight against the Assad regime and would later be arrested by the FBI. This is Eric's story.

  • Syria: The Long War - Part 1

    A VICE News crew—the first western journalists to be in northwest Syria for months—has embedded with Syrian rebels fighting the renegade al Qaeda splinter group ISIS, and is following their rapid advance across Idlib province, which until yesterday was...

  • Bashar's Bangerz

    While the Western world spent the last few months debating Miley Cyrus’s right to gyrate on a teddy bear, Syrian citizens continued a three-year long discussion about Syrian actresses and soap operas’ public disapproval of President Bashar al-Assad.

  • The Pillaging of the Umayyad Mosque

    On October 13, 2012, Aleppo's Umayyad Mosque, a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of the oldest mosques in the world, suffered extensive fire damage amid fierce fighting between President Bashar al-Assad's forces and the Free Syrian Army. Photographer...

  • Syria

    Last year VICE commissioned photographer and videographer Robert King to document the civil war that has been ravaging Syria for the past two years.