The Psychedelic Booby Trap Issue

  • A Prayer and Two Parables

    The short stories of Paul Maliszewski are laser-focused and perfectly terse, but they are also enigmatic. Anyone who knows anything about the form will recognize these as ideal traits. Last December, Vice published Paul’s “The...

  • Meeting Victims of Ritualistic Satanic Abuse

    Satanism typically conjures thoughts of dark-cloaked figures in deeply wooded areas, where they sacrifice livestock over a makeshift altar and whisper mysterious incantations in hopes of appeasing their dark lord. Maybe every once in a while they get...

  • Employees of the Month

    GUIDO GAZZILLI A sweet and lovable 27-year-old rapscallion, Guido Gazzilli is a photographer who was born in Rome. His friends call him Guidini, because a) it sounds cute and b) it distinguishes him from all the orange-skinned, steroid...
