
  • Fried Milk Sundae Recipe

    Thicken sweetened milk into a creamy custard, then batter and fry it in this whimsical version of an ice cream sundae.

  • Vegan Aborrajados Recipe

    Plant-based mozzarella is swaddled in yellow plantains, then dipped in a spicy, creamy sauce in this version of the classic Colombian street food.

  • Sour Cream and Onion Mashed Potatoes Recipe

    Caramelized onions, onion powder, and crispy shallots bring on a triple dose of savory flavor in this simple mashed potato recipe.

  • Palm Cakes Recipe

    Hearts of palm and chickpeas take the place of crab in these savory, crispy cakes dipped in a spicy vegan mayo.

  • Taro Fire Fries with Green Herb Aioli Recipe

    Roast fresh taro root into golden, crispy fries, then drizzle with a homemade herby mayo and a bright and spicy African pepper sauce in this satisfying vegan dish.

  • Pili Pili Oil Recipe

    Add some kick to vegetables, grains, and anything really by drizzling it with this oil infused with bird’s eye chilies and fresh herbs.