
  • Red Wine Might Cure Your Pizza Face

    In addition to basically being a substitute for exercise and an antidepressant, red wine has also been found to prevent acne. Seriously, wine has turned out to be our bestest friend.

  • Inside the Pus-Filled World of Zit-Popping Videos

    Considering that sporting a leaky zit falls somewhere on the ladder of social taboos between eating your own boogers and gargling hobo cum, why do so many excruciatingly graphic videos of zit-popping become smash hits on YouTube?

  • Dos & Don'ts

    After years of getting bullied by the French, English Montrealers are shoving the Quebec flag up their asses and taking to the streets. It's the most political fashion has been since Yankees fans started balling up Red Sox shirts and stuffing them in...
