This story is over 5 years old.


Dear VICE - Grass Widow Wants Nothing to Do with You

"I read VICE's review of Grass Widow's record, and can't restrain myself from telling you that I find it fucking gross and despicable that you would run that excrement."

I read Vice's review of Grass Widow's record, and can't restrain myself from telling you that I find it fucking gross and despicable that you would run that excrement. Look, I'm not stupid. I've come to understand what a Vice review is. It's word vomit that has nothing to do with the record. I get it, sometimes it's funny. sometimes it's mean. But this is just misogynistic and vile. You as a woman should know the difficulties women face in a male-dominated endeavor like music and should know better than to allow a review like that to run. You're obviously ashamed of it since you removed it, which was the right move, but rather like putting a bandaid on an amputation. Needless to say, Grass Widow want nothing to do with Vice and have asked that I remove Vice from all future mailings.


Jacob Daneman
Pitch Perfect PR

Dear Jacob, 

I believe there has been some confusion. The Grass Widow review I wrote and inserted in the magazine upon receiving the promo album (right under the gun!) was not removed from the April RECORDS section, where you have been leaving comments. It was for the May RECORDS section, which runs online today. Also, I am a man. Or at least, male. 

Sorry for the mix-up!(s!)
Thomas Morton
