Meet Animal Collective and Danny Perez – Oddsac

Throughout The Creators Project event series, we’ve been screening ODDSAC, a stunningly haunting visual album created by experimental video artist Danny Perez and Animal Collective. The piece was the result of four years of collaboration between Perez and the band, and its release came at the beginning of a very different year for Animal Collective.

The band took the year off from touring, choosing to focus on individual projects and hit the road with ODDSAC and further their collaboration with Perez. In many ways, this year was one focused on the visual, as opposed to the audio work the band is known for. As they toured and talked about ODDSAC all over the world, they expanded their visual work into the realm of art installations with the debut of another project with Perez, Transverse Temporal Gyrus, at the Guggenheim museum in NYC.

Videos by VICE

Throughout their journey, we’ve been excited to see the new frontiers the band and Perez have continuously pushed their work into, so, when we heard that they were invited to the CPH:DOX film festival in Copenhagen to screen ODDSAC and present an installation of the work at the National Gallery of Denmark, we jumped at the chance to get a deeper look at this fascinating creative partnership.

While there, Perez and the band not only showcased the installation and screening of ODDSAC, they also programmed a series of films, premiered new work Perez created for Panda Bear, and even added a live component with a show from Deakin and a DJ set from Avey Tare. It was, as they said in their own words, a peek into what their entire world is like. And it is, in a word, trippy.