Natalie Elliott

  • Is "Vodka Samm" a Role Model for American Women?

    On August 31, during a University of Iowa–Northern Illinois football game, 22-year-old Samantha Goudie was arrested at Kinnick Stadium for public intoxication. At the police station, it was recorded that she blew a .341 blood alcohol content, a level...

  • The Abortion Freedom Riders

    Sunsara Taylor went on an abortion freedom ride through the heart of red-state America. In Kansas, she met people who thought Christians were about to be put in concentration camps and that abortion was a plot from Satan.

  • Is DOMA About to Be DOA?

    It seems clear that five justices expressed enough dismay at the federal government’s intrusion into an essential state function that come decision time, DOMA will be DOA. In the long-term jurisprudence of gay marriage, however, the Prop 8 decision...

  • I Was Raped—and the Police Told Me I Made It Up

    Wilbur Brown opened the door to the gas station with cellophane wrapped around his fingers. He forced Sara out in front of the station, where he made her perform oral sex on him, while holding his pistol against her head. There were no security cameras...

  • White Girl Immigration Problems

    The oppression of a language barrier is not to be underestimated. As privileged white American people who idly study Spanish as a second language in public school, we take this for granted. Especially if you are, like me, decently educated and...