
  • Sex Church

    Members of the Little Pebble Dohsyuku-kai gather in a cluttered space each morning and await secret messages from the Virgin Mary. Afterward, Jean-Marie lubes up a woman’s belly and pussy with yogurt and has sex with her at an altar as the other...

  • I Joined NYC's Most Boring Cult

    Aesthetic Realism is the worship of a poet who killed himself in the 1970s. He claimed to have discovered the "One True Answer" to societal ills. His panacea goes something like this: man has a desire to like the world while fostering an equal and...

  • I Used to Be a Scientologist, Now I Help People Out of Cults by Smoking Weed

    Dennis Erlich was the original guy who exposed the craziness of Scientology on the internet. A member since 1967 and later a minister, he started to rebel against the church in the mid-80s. Now he runs a support group to help people out of cults...

  • Four Days at Toddstock

    Todd Rungren is like Prince or David Bowie—a timeless, genre-spanning artist who did nearly everything first. Or at least that's what I learned while hanging out with his biggest fans for four days during a massive birthday party for Rundgren on a...

  • A Cult Is Trying to Recruit Bob Dylan Fans

    Did you know that “Blowin' in the Wind” was about Dylan recognizing “that if hope for a better life in a better world dies in the human heart, evil will reign forever over the human race”? Or that "A Hard Rain's a-Gonna Fall" lets us know that "a day...

  • The 40-Year-Old Town at the End of the World

    We traveled to Nueva Jerusalén, a town run by apocalyptic priests who say they receive orders from the Virgin Mary, to see why people there were so angry they destroyed a public school with sledgehammers.