It's Time to Bookmark This Recipe for Absolutely Perfect Turkey


This story is over 5 years old.


It's Time to Bookmark This Recipe for Absolutely Perfect Turkey

In the case of Thanksgiving, there's no more important element than the turkey. Duh. So this year, how about getting a head start by bookmarking this bad boy and following it from start to tender, juicy, crispy-skinned finish?

Wait… is it… almost Thanksgiving?

It seems like just yesterday that we were sipping margaritas at summer rooftop parties, and like mere seconds ago that we were lamenting the last-minute nature of our Halloween costumes and dismissing the outcome of the presidency as in strong favor of Hillary Clinton, but here we are, with Thanksgiving right around the corner (among other surprises). But let's stick to talking about food. And if you'd learned anything from holiday feasts past, it's that planning ahead can take you far.

In the case of Thanksgiving, there's no more important element than the turkey. Duh. So this year, how about getting a head start by bookmarking this bad boy and following it from start to tender, juicy, crispy-skinned finish?

RECIPE: Perfect Turkey

You're welcome. And don't forget that even in the fucked up rollercoaster ride that is 2016, there are still plenty of reasons to give thanks—including a plate of perfectly cooked meat.