This Week in Food Porn: Freekeh Salads and Freaky Doughnuts
Photo via Flickr user leahwsprague


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This Week in Food Porn: Freekeh Salads and Freaky Doughnuts

Grab your best scrolling finger and plough a furrow through the very best in food photography uploaded to Instagram this week.

In the sort-of words of good old Philip Larkin, the widening mouth's slow presence, the piled gold grains, the shining sauce-marked mud, gathers to the surprise of a large meal, before our half-lidded eyes.

So go on, grab your best scrolling finger and plough a furrow through the very best in food photography uploaded to Instagram this week.

Happy #nationaldonutday !!!Made some Galaxy Doughnuts with @taramilktea and of course they're on a bed of sweet milk-y way Fluffë!! See all the behind the scenes goodies on Snapchat? fluffesnap

A photo posted by Fluffë • Nathan (@fluffegram) on Jun 3, 2016 at 12:14am PDT


Just in case you ever wondered what Buzz Aldrin's prostate was looking like these days.

Wood roasted lemon #sole with vermut caramelised chicory, chickpeas and jamón #soulfood! A photo posted by Moro (@restaurantmoro) on Jun 1, 2016 at 7:18am PDT

The phrase "fish wing" is a nice one to roll around your mouth like sorbet, isn't it? There's something just a little gynaecological, a little sci-fi—even a bit Biblical—about it. And lo, the fish shall rise up from the sea, and vermut chicory shall bear his glory unto the wood.

#chickenbbq #foodporn

A photo posted by Val Anton Doronila Delubiar (@xthe13thofmayx) on Jun 3, 2016 at 1:53am PDT

I'm pretty sure that this is one of those magic eye paintings where, if you just relax your optic muscles a little and turn your head say 14 degrees to the left, you can see the Mona Lisa on a skateboard.

✖️ MORNING BREACKFAST ✖️ Coucou tout le monde, j'espère que vous allez bien ☺️ Se matin je me réveille avec un superbe soleil donc j'ai la patate, la pêche, la banane Direction la cuisine pour faire le rangement et le menage ( oui j'ai des TOC je peux pas manger si la cuisine est pas en ordre) Ensuite je me prepare mon bowlcake qui m'avais tant manqué je l'aime d'amour celui ci avec les framboises ❤️ Aujourdhui se sera un rappel Quad et les bibi mais j'ai envie de faire le dosje verrai au feeling. Se soir c'est soirée entre fille ☺️ et vous comment sera votre vendredi ? Bisous #earlymorning #early #morning #breackfast #bowlcake #foodporn #framboise #gourmande #fitnessgirls #fitfam #glutes #legday #gymtime #temple #damn #protein #teamlu #sweet #friday #gohardorgohome #bestrong A photo posted by Sportive Gourmande & Girly ✌?️ (@hellylthy_fiit_) on Jun 3, 2016 at 1:54am PDT


Ooookay, lady. We're going to have to take you next door for a little chat. No big deal, no need to change uniform. We're just getting some messages on our radar back at the base that have caused the folks at ground control a bit of a headache. Something to do with a vaginal probe and three-hearted ant king? So we'd just like to clear this whole thing up before anybody gets in too much of a sweat.

Post gym meal :-) #food #foodporn #healthychoices #coffee

A photo posted by Darek (@dar.xo6) on Jun 3, 2016 at 1:54am PDT

If this is your post-gym meal then I'm not sure you need to be going to the gym, pal. I've run through three pairs of trainers in the last year and I'm not more likely to be caught chowing down on a rice cake after I'm done that I am bench-pressing Billy Crystal. Let's cut the bullshit, shall we, and buy you a pasty.

#popsicles#paletas#eisamstiel#icecream#organic#bio#homemade#handmade#berlin#kreuzberg#yummy#dessert#foodporn A photo posted by California Pops (@californiapops) on Jun 3, 2016 at 1:54am PDT

Ah that's nice, that they do flower-encrusted dildos at state fairs, now. Those corners have got to be wincers though, right?

Compartés CHOCOLATE IS ART. Literally. Hand PAINTED CHOCOLATE bars on our site now! chocolate is my canvas what's yours?

A photo posted by Compartes Chocolatier (@compartes) on Jun 2, 2016 at 7:33pm PDT

I heard that Jackson Pollock used to douse blocks of Nisa white cooking chocolate with green emulsion and call it "The Death of Innocence."


Good Morning from paradise Tag someone you'd have this amazing breaky with A photo posted by MADELEINE (@pilotmadeleine) on Jun 3, 2016 at 12:17am PDT

I'm eating a bowl of super saver oats I poured a kettle of tepid water over 15 minutes ago, with a sprinkling of salt and some honey, while sitting in a pair of thermal leggings and a hand-knitted jumper. So thanks for all the pineapple and shit, but I'm basically completely fine. Yeah. Thanks though.

Foraging in White City. New feature now up on the @whitenoisecity website.

A photo posted by Liz Seabrook (@lizseabrook) on May 25, 2016 at 6:40am PDT

Bright star, would I were as steadfast as thou art, not hung in lone splendour aloft the night, nor gazing on the newly fallen mask of snow upon the mountains and the moors, but lying here upon my lover's hand, betwixt a rushing whip of leaves.

A salad of freekeh, broad beans, radish and dill. Made to accompany roast lamb, we also ate the salad next day as a light main dish. The wheat grains, picked green then lightly toasted, add substance to the early summer vegetables. Recipe coming soon. A photo posted by Nigel Slater (@thenigelslater) on May 25, 2016 at 1:36pm PDT

I'm gonna get freekeh wit you.