This story is over 5 years old.


We Discuss VideoGameDunkey's Video About Game Critics on Waypoint Radio

Someone wants to talk about the state of game criticism? Lord, you've come to the right website.
Image courtesy of Team Cherry

Over the weekend, popular YouTube creator VideoGameDunkey, known for his funny and biting videos about games, published a 9-minute critique about games criticism. Dunkey pointed his criticism at huge websites like IGN and Kotaku, lamenting review scores, the race to be first, a disconnect between a website's voice and an individual reviewer's opinion, and more. This prompted a lengthy discussion between Austin, myself, Rob, and Danielle, before we touched upon Rob's revenge fantasies in Subterfuge and Danielle's time with Hollow Knight.


You can watch all of Dunkey's video below:

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Remember: we record live on our Twitch. Keep an eye on Twitter (@waypoint) on Monday and Friday morning, if you want to know when we're getting started.

Make sure to swing back to Waypoint on Friday for the next episode.