This story is over 5 years old.


ACME’s Ed Loveday Turns Food Trends Into Classic Cocktails

Anyone up for a Bone Broth Cubanita or a cronut-infused cocktail?

Ed Loveday is an expert when it comes to spirits. He's a co-founder of Darlinghurst drinking spot The Passage and Rushcutters Bay restaurant ACME, where he heads up the bar. We asked him to share some of his cocktail wizardry with us, and he said yes.

Be sure to click through to read the full recipes over at MUNCHIES.

Bone Broth Cubanita

Can we all just agree that the paleo diet is just some toxic, delusional cult, fuelled by pseudoscience, pseudohistory and pseudo-sustainability? The whole thing just freaks me out. Anyway—here's a drink you can serve your paleo mates when they come over to your cave for brunch. Full Recipe


Smoked Mai Tai

Orgeat is a syrup made from almonds, rosewater and orange flower water, and is used in a bunch of tiki drinks. You could make your own, but if you can't be stuffed I don't blame you. Just make sure you buy a decent quality one, because there's some seriously rubbish ones out there. Your best bet for getting your hands on some is going to a speciality bottle shop, but the bigger bottle-o's do sell it too. Orgeat is also readily available online.

To smoke the orgeat you'll need Google and an outdoor grill. Or better yet, buy yourself a PolyScience Smoking Gun—you can get one online and they're not insanely expensive. If you're using a smoking gun, half fill a small pot or sealable container with orgeat. Place the lid over the top and pipe the smoke into the container. Remove the pipe and seal the lid. Let it sit for 30mins.

Full Recipe

Cronut King

I'd actually never had a cronut before writing this recipe. I have to admit they're actually pretty good. No wonder everybody loses their shit over them. Breakfast is the best way to start your day, but this is the best way to start the night.

Full Recipe

The article is presented in partnership with Captain Morgan