Charlotte Kamin

  • Oh, Gorgonzola: You Dirty, Musky Thing, You

    You may have seen this beasty blue on pizza or a cheesesteak, but you probably don't know the ancient tale of how it was accidentally invented by a guy trying to get laid. Are you more spicy or sweet?

  • The Cheese Mob Keeps Parmigiano-Reggiano in the Bank

    Parmesan cheese, or Parmigiano-Reggiano, is money. It gets branded like a tattoo and sent directly off Parmigiano banks. But behind the dank flavor, this complicated wheel of enzymes and curds has an insane history guarded by a fiercely protective...

  • Hedonism Is a Flavor Best Found in Raclette Cheese

    Raclette cheese is the thing that makes grown French men weep tears of joy. It melts better than an entire cast of reality TV stars standing too close to direct heat. More importantly, it's the best indulgent mess any hedonist can enjoy, better than a...

  • Vermont Has More Dairy Than a Brothel Full of Heifers

    Vermont is a super liberal state (that is not a quote from FOX News) that has mountains, trees, an honor system of farm stands, and killer cheeses. It's like one big Grateful Dead concert where the audience has taken so much LSD and shrooms, they don’t...

  • Morbier Cheese Tastes Like Barry White, Naked, on a Fur Rug

    Picture Barry White sipping Cognac, nude on a polar bear rug, and you'll always know what Comté cheese tastes like for the rest of your life. But let's embark on a culinary voyage through space and time to the lovely region that is the Franche Comté to...

  • Rappers Need to Stop Using the Term 'Cheddar'

    Lil’ Wayne wishes he got it. Cheddar isn’t just a swagged out state of mind. It’s also the act of cutting up curds into little cubes and stacking them so the whey can drain out. How the hell did a cheese become synonymous with that cold hard cash?

  • It's Time to Call BS on 'House-Made' Ricotta

    I feel like it’s my duty as a cheesemonger to clarify a commonly misused terminology in the queso category: ricotta. Let’s step into the cheesy laboratory of technical terms to discuss how ricotta is really made so you can call bullshit the next time...

  • Taleggio Is the Lindsay Lohan of All Cheeses

    Do you remember the first time you went down on a fine young thing? There was something sweet and yeasty, yet slightly sour, with just a tang of manure? You're thinking of Taleggio. This stuff has made more history than LiLo by the time she turned...

  • The Netherlands Cheese Is Bigger Than Koffee Shops and the Red Light District

    The Netherlands have a red light district where you can simultaneously witness the rapid deterioration of a woman’s self-worth AND a man’s complete lack of standards. There's also “koffee shops” that serve endless varieties of ways to get fucked up...

  • I Got Fogged Up on Humboldt Cheese

    Humbolt Fog is the most coveted goat's milk tomme to come out of the Emerald Triangle, the lush landscape of northern California. It’s that dank, citrusy, velvety treat that melts in your mouth faster than a hit of E at a Spiritualized concert.

  • Alpine Kind of High

    Alpine style is the OG of cheese genres. It sounds like some sort of kinky sex move that involves one too many right angles, but it’s far more than just some dairy squeezed fresh from the mountainside.