Megan Koester

Megan Koester

  • Photos of People Taking Selfies at an Art Museum

    The proliferation of social media has created narcissists of us all. Is our self-obsession the new pop art? Or is it as meaningless as the digital void in which we now exist?

  • King Missile's John S. Hall Is a Sensitive Artist (Who Works at a Law Firm)

    John S. Hall’s Twitter bio says that he “Had a band for a while—King Missile.” That band created the briefly popular song, "Detachable Penis," which made Hall briefly popular. But those days are over, and Hall now spends his days working as an...

  • How to Break Up with Someone Like a Decent Human Being

    I just broke up with my best friend, a man I've shared the last half-decade of my life with. And yet, I don't hate him. It's odd, not hating him. Not only do I not hate him, I still love him (albeit non-romantically.) I still want him in my life.

  • In Defense of Times Square

    New York has become an overpriced, creativity-stifling, bourgeoisie city. Times Square, on the other hand, remains beautifully full of chain restaurants and street vendors. It might be the only honest part of Manhattan left.

  • How Train Travel Explains the Decline of American Culture

    Traveling by train used to be a romantic experience. Now, it's exactly the opposite. Like the country it traverses, the train system is utilitarian, plastic, beige, and devoid of greater meaning.

  • Photos of People Taking Selfies at the 9/11 Memorial

    The 9/11 Memorial pools that now exist on the hallowed ground where nearly 3,000 people lost their lives on September 11th, 2001 aren’t exactly the ideal environment to exercise one’s tastelessness.