  • Soft Taboo: An Interview with Andreas Kronthaler

    "The trend towards luxury is irritating. There are people buying a crocodile handbag worth thousands of pounds, wearing it with Jeans and a sweatshirt. I don’t know what’s supposed to be luxurious about this. You know, it just doesn’t make sense."

  • A Man Named Al Gore Is Running for Mayor of Toronto

    No, not that Al Gore. But anyway, it's an election year in Toronto and Rob Ford is running for mayor again, which means the campaign promises to be like a Rob Ford fart—long, loud, messy, and fueled at least partly by vodka and cheeseburgers.

  • Al Gore: The Survival of Civilization is at Risk

    Climate change is running rampant, our politics are infected by moneyed interests, and corporations control our media. Al Gore sits down with Motherboard to explain two possible futures he sees for humanity.
