
  • Papal Infallibility Is a Problem for the Catholic Church

    Among the many beliefs that members of the Catholic Church hold is “papal infallibility.” Benedict's resignation is the first instance the Church has had to deal with two people holding infallibility at the same time, which is troublesome.

  • Art Imitates Life, Then Gets You Killed by Fanatics

    There is a scene in 'Zero Dark Thirty' that is pretty unspectacular, one that in a vacuum would be forgotten as soon as the end credits roll. But there's a good chance this little scene will lead to people getting killed.

  • The Ravens Are God's Favorites

    Fifty-three percent of Americans think God rewards athletes who believe in Him with good health and great success. In other words, yesterday, God chose his most-loved, and by default his most-hated, Harbaugh brother.

  • A Catholic Hospital Is Arguing That a Fetus Is Not a Person

    Legally, the argument is sound. Colorado, the state, does not define a fetus as a person. But what kind of blatant hypocrisy would motivate a Catholic hospital to argue in court that only individuals born alive are people?

  • Adios, Choice

    Remove the clinics, put insurmountable obstacles in the way, and Roe v. Wade will soon hold as much power as the now-hilariously-shortsighted Third Amendment. The fight for abortion is almost over, and pro-lifers are nearly the victors.

  • Too Much Jesus in the Locker Room

    The religiosity of sports is ignored when we question why a gay athlete playing one of the major American sports has yet to come out of the closet. We should be turning our attention to the clubhouse preachers leading teams in pre-game prayers.

  • Subtle Forces

    The crazies of Hinduism aren't as in-your-face as, say, a suicide bomber or a Baptist minister calling for the end of Planned Parenthood. But they can certainly hold their own when it comes to mistreating women.

  • Bah Humbug!

    The actual holiday of Christmas isn't really, and never has been, a celebration specifically about Christ's birth. People have been celebrating the middle-of-winter holiday—with gifts and massive consumption of booze—way before Jesus.

  • The Great Paradox

    The biggest hypocrisy is the mind-fuck of fighting to save the lives of unborn children, while defending the right to possess a device thats sole purpose is taking the life of someone who was once an unborn child.

  • History Lesson

    Last Wednesday was the 79th anniversary of the ratification of the 21st Amendment, which ended Prohibition in the US. Thanks a lot, Bible, for inspiring the temperance movement that nearly broke this nation through class divisions and gave birth to the...

  • The Half-Man's Dilemma

    Consider the plight of Angus T. Jones of 'Two and a Half Men.' A true God-fearing individual could not knowingly produce such scum and lead a show that Satan is so deeply embedded in. He had to take a stand.

  • Balls and Chains

    When you believe you're rooting for the “right team,” whether that's due to you being born in a certain sports franchise's media market or because your parents believe in a specific invisible higher power, you're allowed to trade away facts for...