
  • Cracked.com Is Full of Lies

    Cracked.com is awesome, huh, guys? They manage to put together the craziest, most obscure facts in totally digestible listicles that are funny AND informative. Have you ever wondered how they're able to gather such amazing, unheard-of info? THEY JUST...

  • Brett Lawrie, the Toronto Blue Jays Superstar, Is Still Sad about High School Sports

    Brett Lawrie, one of the stars on the Toronto Blue Jays, has been engaged in a Twitter campaign to hate on his high school rival, as well as his old basketball coach.

  • I Tried to Have a Spiritual Experience in the Desert

    I'm not a very spiritual person, and am frequently jealous of those who are, so I decided to head to Arizona to explore some energy vortexes in an attempt to have a spiritual awakening. Lucky for me, there are multiple companies in Sedona willing to...
