
  • How to Get an Internet "Terrorist" To Plant a Bomb (If You're the FBI)

    Last Friday, the U.S. Joint Terrorism Task Force announced the arrest of Adel Daoud, a suburban Chicago teenager who’s since been said to be “enamored with Osama bin Laden and intent on killing Americans.” Daoud is charged with planting a bomb outside...

  • How Big Pharma Hooked America on Legal Heroin

    Frank Morris was only 23 when he ended up in drug rehab. But he was already a full-blown junkie, smoking crack on the streets of San Francisco, and nearly losing his left arm after accidentally pumping a full shot into his artery.

  • Motherboard TV Preview: Drone On

    They are overhead, far way, buzzing in the distance, doing their thing. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are "cruising over Benghazi": in the wake of attack on the...
