
  • The Bible Is Nothing but Fan Fiction for Jesus

    What doesn't make sense is that some of the accounts of Jesus are considered truth, while others are deemed apocryphal. The original gospels were written down centuries after the events described, so it's not as if one has true boots-on-the-ground...

  • Fifty Shades of Chick-fil-A: My Polyamorous Chick-fil-A Fan Porn

    His dick itself was just a head, a carbuncle buried in a mass of reddish pubes and dickne. “That’s a teeny schlong,” I pointed out. Matthew smirked and humped the air. “Chick-fil-A serves no beef,” he said, “but Jesus loves us as we are.”

  • How Do You Feel About Chick-fil-A?

    We know what everyone on the internet thinks about this, because they told us, but what about the normal people who go to Chick-fil-A to eat chicken? What do they think? We went to the only Chick-fil-A in New York City to ask around, but it was on the...
