
  • Sniff at Your Own Risk: Beers That Reek

    Some craft brews treat you kindly, like a overeager gentleman on a first date. But other beers put some stank on the nose and throw your senses into an orgy of odors. These are just some those beers, and they smell to high heaven.

  • Deep in Germany's Apple Wine Country

    Billy Wagner takes us on a tour through Frankfurt's Sachsenhausen district to visit traditional Apfelwein pubs and taste different versions of this tart, golden-colored booze.

  • Berlin's New French Cider Bar Wants to Get Cows Drunk

    Two expats in Berlin gave themselves the task of introducing Apfelwein-drinking Germans to French cider. But cranky producers in Normandy and exploding bottles of raw cider don't make things any easier for them.

  • I Got Wasted on Drinking Vinegar

    Drinking vinegars (or, "shrubs", as they're otherwise known) are having a quiet resurgence here in the UK. They're not just tasty and good for you, either—if you're of sensitive disposition, they'll get you a bit wasted.

  • Someone Threw a Fermented Fish Bomb at a Swedish Music Festival

    Last week at a music festival in Sweden, attendees were rocked by an IED made from a can of surströmming, or rotten herring. But these cans of fermented fish are already plenty explosive on their own.

  • The Mick Jagger of Whisky Wants You to Drink It Your Way

    Opinions on whisky are like assholes—everyone has one. Next time a barmen gives you the stink eye for adding water (or even Coca-Cola) to your single malt, though, tell them that one of Scotland's top distillers says you should drink it just how you...