
  • We Spoke to Barrett Brown from Prison

    Last night, news broke that Barrett Brown's mother pled guilty to a charge of obstructing evidence. A few weeks ago, we spoke to the journalist and Anonymous associate who is now facing a potential 100-year sentence in prison.

  • The Reuters Journalist Who Played with Anonymous and Got Burned

    The internet is collectively freaking out over Matthew Keys, the Reuters deputy social media editor, who is facing 25 years in jail for very unclear tech-crime charges. His alleged ties with Anonymous have gotten him in a lot of trouble, but is a...

  • Anonymous Hacked Bank of America

    A massive amount of data allegedly belonging to Bank of America was leaked by Anonymous this week. It seems to indicate that the bank is spying on the hacktivists.

  • 2011 Was the Year of Anonymous

    After their "visible hesitance":http://www.breakingcopy.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/time_mag_covers_dec_5_2011.jpg to prominently cover various popular uprisings around the world, it seemed almost as if in compensation that TIME Magazine chose to...
