  • Cooking with Cocaine

    VICE News traveled to Medellin to meet gang members—along with top cartel leaders and assassins—who revealed the inner workings of the city's modern-day cocaine industry.

  • Drug Traffickers Build the Best Theme Parks

    To get to Hacienda Nápoles you have to take a three-and-a-half hour bus from Medellín to the small town of Doradal, and from there it’s another ten minutes on an auto-rickshaw to the main gates. They remain there as Pablo Escobar designed them.

  • Griselda Blanco: So Long and Thanks for All the Cocaine

    Griselda Blanco was killed outside a butcher shop in Colombia yesterday when two men on a motorcycle put two bullets into her head. Despite the location, this was unlikely a beef about beef (zing!), and probably had more to do with the scores of people...

  • Colombia Fashion Week

    Fashion Week Internationale heads to Medellin for Colombia Fashion Week. Formerly the old stomping ground of Pablo Escobar, the city is now trying to throw off his powdery legacy and push fashion up the noses of the world.

  • Colombia Fashion Week

    VICE heads to Medellin for Colombia Fashion Week. Charlet, your host, goes to two rival fashion weeks running simultaneously and is presented with two very different ideas about what Colombian beauty is.

  • Colombia Fashion Week

    Charlet is entertained by Roberto Escobar, brother of the late cocaine magnate, Pablo. He's blind, but that's OK because he still has a nose for pretty women. If you don't like seeing body parts being sliced into, you won't like this episode very much...